By Ale Ibarra Posted November 08, 2016 The sequel to “Finding Nemo” is the family-friendly “Finding Dory”. The friendly but forgetful blue tang fish remembers that she has long-lost parents
Tag: Ale Ibarra
Former Youtuber Tori Kelly is worth a listen
By Ale Ibarra, Posted October 31, 2016 Many people are stuck on artists that they’ve been listening to for quite some time or are stubborn about who and what they
End of Summer Tribute: Pink Ladies, Studs and Twinkies
By Ale Ibarra Posted October 14, 2016 Summer is gone. The school has begun. And so has the creativity and enthusiasm in Lowry High School Drama and Stagecraft. What better
Skills vs. Determination
By Ale Ibarra Posted October 14, 2016 Everyone has heard the expressions “practice makes perfect” or “hard work is the key to success”, but is that really the case? I
Do’s and Don’ts: Holidays
By Ale Ibarra Posted December 20, 2016 Do place milk and cookies out for Santa. Don’t be a jerk. Do make a snow angel. Don’t re-gift; it’s rude and it’s