Lowry Code

By Aimee Brandon and Brody Goucher Posted December 16, 2015

What’s up guys it’s Aimee. I’m sure you’ve all just been dying to read some more about our thoughts on Lowry. Well, your prayers have been answered Brody and I are ready to make your wishes come true.

Brody: I love how only a couple of teachers still enforce the dress code, I could come to school half naked and I wouldn’t get a second look by the majority of our teachers. Dress codes are pointless anyway, we need to let students express themselves and if showing off your puberty-torn body is how you want to, then that is just fine by me. If you want to properly dress then just take a look at Mr. Espinola, and wear a dad shirt and Walmart khakis to school every day.

Aimee: Brody makes a good point. And if you’re going for the Espy attire then you better not forget about the tie with pictures of random Walmart children, but seriously our dress code. I don’t think our school is doing anything wrong by not enforcing a dress code, it’s not like anyone is taking it to the extreme. I’m sure if some girl showed up wearing shorts with her butt hanging out someone would say something, wait people do dress like that. One thing we forget about when talking about a dress code is those shirts with pornography on them, I don’t want to see that. Or I know a kid who has it on his shoes, real clever. Please, Lowry, don’t start enforcing a dress code anytime soon, I like wearing whatever I want.

Brody: I live by four simple words in my life “What would Brody do”, now obviously I am Brody and to my knowledge I have never been wrong about anything that any of my classmates and teachers would agree with. So what would Brody do about Lowry’s lack of Christmas spirit? We should have Christmas trees in every hallway, lights strung up on every wall, and at least eight Santas throughout the school giving away candy. I know our good school constable (Officer Jones) wouldn’t mind wearing a Santa suit, considering most of the time he is just walking around the halls anyway. Lowry needs to step up its game and bring Christmas to Lowry, as Sponge Bob did to Bikini Bottom.

Aimee: I disagree with the whole “Brody is always right”, but I wholeheartedly agree with bringing Christmas to Lowry. Instead of announcements, they should just play one of the many amazing Christmas songs over the intercom, and candy grams are cool and festive, good job National Honor Society. We should all put stockings on our lockers, that’d be cool. Oh, and there should be a school-wide secret Santa. Imagine the random stuff you’d get. But it’d be great if we’d all get to know each other so much better.

Brody: As the second most wonderful time of the year comes to an end (the first being my birthday) we need to take a look back at 2015. Personally, I think 2015 was the best year in recorded history, the Patriots won the Super Bowl, Donald Trump threw his hat into the presidential campaign, and Weston finally got a girlfriend. It just goes to show if Weston can get one, anyone can.

Aimee: Damn that was a hardcore subtweet. Yikes. Anyway, yeah, I enjoyed 2015. A lot has changed this year. And heaven knows 2016 will bring even more changes. Despite 2015 holding some good memories, I won’t miss it too much because January 1 brings the chance to start new. So goodbye 2k15, you won’t be missed.

While everyone knows that our administrators won’t see any of these suggestions, we can always hope that Mr. Parks or Mr. Connors will stumble and see our lowly paper on the ground somewhere. The one goal that Aimee and I have when we write this is to bring a smile to at least one person’s face and if we accomplish that then the whole article was worth it, and this is especially true during this time of year. I’m also going to take a risk and say something politically incorrect. Merry Christmas everyone! Have a great Christmas break and until next time, as my good friend Clay would say, stay frosty.