Spring Fling culminates with Sadie Hawkins’s dance

By Kaity Sample Posted April 15, 2015

Recently Lowry held a Spring Fling Week in honor of spring sports with the theme “Battle of the Sexes”.

On Monday the ladies wore lovely blouses and the guys wore their best flannel shirts for floral/plaid day. Tuesday called for girls in scarves and guys in ties.

Wednesday’s chilly snowfall was quite fitting beanies vs. bows. That night the sophomore class held an exciting dodgeball tournament.

That night the sophomore class held a dodgeball tournament. The Average Joes played Urnotmydad in the championship game with the The Average Joes coming out on top even though The Editors had the best uniforms.

On Thursday the weather allowed for girls to wear skirts and guys to sport slacks, which also coincided quite well with Senior Exit Interviews.

On Friday of Sadie’s the dress up day was pink versus blue, there was an assembly at which the spring sports teams were announced and the boys and girls battled it out one last time in a competitive scavenger hunt; Trase Bell represented the boys and Megan Villareal represented the girls. The person who found the most objects the quickest in the crowd was the winner, and the boys won the competition by one point.

The winner of the Sadie Hawkins dance proposal competition was announced at the assembly as well and the winner was Caitlynn Cooper for her softball-inspired proposal to her boyfriend, Sterling Dennis. The couple took home a $50 gift card to The Martin and two Spare Time Bowling passes.
On Saturday, the Sadie Hawkins dance wrapped up the entire week as all of the couples in their matching outfits danced the night away.