Advice to incoming Freshmen

By Tanner Lecumberry Posted June 4, 2014

As graduation grows nearer, seniors look forward to their future. High school is very nearly a thing of the past, and all the high school experience seniors have garnered is about to fly out of the window. I’ve decided to share some of that valuable experience with the underclassmen unless they want to learn it the hard way.

“Always bring a pencil,” said Calvin Connors. It seems like simple advice, but you’d be surprised at how many times you’ll find yourself begging for a pencil from a classmate for a long day of notes. Actually, bring everything you need for a class. You don’t want to be that guy who the teacher makes a joke out of because you didn’t think it’d be important to bring a piece of paper to math class.

Get to know your teachers. As high school goes on, you’ll start to see the things that different teachers want to see from you. The truth is some teachers are much more relaxed than others, and some are really worth going in after class just to talk with. Don’t feel intimidated by teachers either; it’s all about respect, you give and you get.

Remember that high school is a very short time in your life. At first, it seems like it will drag on forever. I know it’s a cliché, but when you’re a senior you’ll realize just how fast high school flew by you. There was life before high school, and there is surely life after high school. It’s hard to see past graduation day, but believe me, the world is an enormous place and the things that happen in high school will not define your entire life. This is your time to learn, and have fun while you’re still under your parent’s wing. Soon, you’re on your own, so live it up now.

The biggest thing about high school is to stay confident. People will always have time to tell you everything you do wrong, but that’s not what’s important. Don’t let other people’s opinions worm their way into your thoughts, because everyone in these halls is just as lost as you are. Do your thing, and people will appreciate that.

Overall, high school is easy. Remind yourself that it’s short, and make the best of every chance you get to learn something new. It isn’t about who’s the coolest or who the best athlete is. High school is about preparing you for a big scary world, and the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.