Heard in the Halls

By Dani Ricker Posted December 17, 2014

Do you ever have those mornings when you wake up and want to rock out? I do too. But I do it at home in the privacy of my bedroom where nobody else has to listen to my music. Unlike you people who have been walking around playing your music on a speaker. Stop that. Nobody wants to listen to your music.

“I rock out hard to Hannah Montana on my way to school.” That’s cool. I did that too in sixth grade. Just kidding, I didn’t even listen to Hannah Montana then.

Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus will forever be two different people. I can rock out to some Miley, I don’t know about Hannah.

“Grasshoppers are taking over the world.”

Those dang grasshopper commies.

“Knock, knock…” I’m not even going to tell you the joke I heard because knock-knock jokes are not funny. And if you try to tell me a knock, knock joke I’m going to tell you to knock, knock yourself right outta my life.

“My little sister is like, the definition of perfection.”

“What, is she hot?”

“Uhm no, she’s 7-months old..”

That awkward moment when you’re the definition of a cradle robber.

Can we stop talking about YikYak? What is the point of saying something anonymously if the next day you’re going to tell everyone about everything that you said? Please, stay anonymous.

In your opinion, what is the best way to eat a potato? I mean, there are so many different ways. There are french fries and hash browns and mashed potatoes and baked potatoes… I listened to a group of kids spend ten minutes discussing their favorite potato dishes. It was quite interesting. How can one food be eaten in so many different ways?

I’m just going to leave you to ponder the best ways to eat potatoes. And to all, a good night.