Lowry Code

By Brody Goucher and Aimee Brandon Posted October 7, 2015

Once again it’s me, Brody, getting ready to vent to you about everything I would do if I ran Lowry, but sadly my partner Dani has left for UNR and I will probably never see her again; but hey she complained too much anyway. However, my Prom date and second best friend (Weston’s still got the first spot) Aimee is here to shed some light on Lowry’s most recent events.

Aimee: I think we all know I’m in the lead there, anyway, our first topic is Homecoming. Homecoming is my favorite, it’s the only reason I’m not home-schooled. I love window decorating, gym decorating, the pep assemblies, and everything else that comes with Homecoming Week. I go all out for the dress-up days, if you don’t I probably don’t like you. And at pep assemblies, if you are sitting, I will tell you to stand. This year’s Homecoming football game was great because we won! Remember last year when it was on TV and everything was going so well and then we lost to Elko, nice job.

Brody: I thought Aimee was going to be nicer than Dani but she does have good points, if you ditch the pep assemblies then you are missing out, Homecoming only happens to you four times your entire life so make the most of it. Oh and great job football team, you guys played great especially my boy Jacob Hernandez who was pounding that rock all night long! One last thing that irritates me about Homecoming is the way the king and queen candidates are picked, why do only varsity athletes get to nominate them? The entire senior class should get to vote and then the winner would be unveiled at the football game but the fact that we only get to vote for whoever the varsity athletes pick doesn’t make any sense to me.

Aimee: I was just being sarcastic, I try to be a nice person. I guess I better be careful because someone might think I’m bullying! With this new anti-bullying law you have to be careful what you say or post. Do you suppose back when Congress wrote the Bill of Rights with freedom of speech they knew in over 200 hundred years people would be posting their opinions all over Facebook where anyone in the world could see? I don’t think people truly realize who can see what you post on the internet. Have you ever stumbled across someone from your school’s Tumblr and seen one of their risky photos? Try walking past them in the hall and not seeing that image in your mind. I feel like this is a risky topic so back to you Brody.

Brody: I don’t understand why we can’t go back to the good old days of Yik Yak where everyone could post whatever they wanted while remaining anonymous, it made everyone feel safer because as high schoolers we seem like we have no rights anymore. However, I don’t recommend going across Aimee’s Tumblr either unless you want to be scarred for life. Why can’t we live in a society where I can make fun of you for who you are and we can all just laugh it off together, I mean honestly we’re young adults let’s all grow up and realize that in life we are going to be criticized and we need to deal with it more maturely than tattling on them.

My Tumblr is pretty chill, so you should all follow me. While you’re at it you can follow me on other social media too! Well I think we made some very good points here, and props to our administrators for all they do, without them we might have an enforced dress code! That’s a topic for next time, but seriously, they’re all very friendly, and the keep Lowry functioning and fun, at least as fun as school can be. Thanks for reading, Aimee and Brody out. *drops the mic*