Movie Review: ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1”

By Wyatt Lester Posted June 2, 2011

When I saw the newest Harry Potter movie in theaters I was expecting a dark and riveting film due to the rising tension and great film direction of David Yates. Least to say my expectations were easily met. The commercials gave a hint of growing evil and tension building between Harry and the infamous Voldemort. To a newcomer of the Harry Potter series, you wouldn’t get the full effect of the series, but to a long-time fan like myself, I must say it gave me a feeling of worry for the characters that I haven’t felt in quite a long time.

Dumbledore is dead and the wizarding world has taken a turn for the worst. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are in a little over their head because even Hogwarts is a dangerous place as well as the muggle world. Although where evil is growing Harry always has an ace in the hole. Horcruxes when destroyed will somehow defeat Voldemort and his dark army because of the strong amount of evil in them. So Harry sets out to destroy the last five Horcruxes and defeat the dark wizards. On his way he discovers the three Deathly Hallows. These items are powerful enough to destroy anyone or anything standing in their way. So now Harry has not only one big problem but two problems.

The film keeps a strong dangerous vibe the whole way through but it still keeps a sliver of hope that shows up every few scenes. The settings are dark and twisted and I felt how alone Harry was. Death eaters, dark wizards, and snatchers outnumbered Harry during every turn. My favorite thing about this film was the locations they filmed. They filmed on the London streets, in vast valleys and on cliff tops that seemed to only exist in the world of wizards.

Characters from the previous films and new interesting characters add twists to the plot. One new character that is important is Luna’s father. He tells the story of the Deathly Hollows. You also see old characters from the previous movies such Dobby the elf, Mad Eye Moody, Fred and George, and the teacher of the dark arts professor Snape.

Harry Potter is a series every family should have in their collection. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is a great addition to the series and it makes me look forward to part two.

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