Performer of the Week: Josh Warner

By Jessie Schirrick Posted May 16, 2014

They pump up our football games and energize our assemblies. Lowry’s band has worked really hard all year to perfect their sound and even integrate some new songs. One such band member has been working especially hard.

Josh Warner was chosen as Performer of the Week by Mr. Criddle. He plays trumpet in the band and will be performing the first part position for his instrument.

“He’s worked really hard to learn his part and he’s really developed as a trumpet player just over this year and recently he’s really done a good job of learning his parts and developing a better sound,” said Criddle.

Lowry’s band will be heading to San Francisco on the 15 for their annual concert tour. They will be performing a concert series on Saturday, the 17 so all members are expected to perform at their best.