The apps you should be using

By Darrin Nelson  Posted March 2, 2016

Here are the latest apps that have been getting a lot of talk around the world.

The first is After School. After School is a social media app that makes the user connect to Facebook and then they can post. The twist to this app is each post is anonymous. After School doesn’t allow the person posting to use profanity. This app was meant to be for compliments but everyone knows that is not the case.

“I enjoy going on After School and seeing the funny things people post about one another,” said Josh Warner.

“I am not sure if I like this app,” said Annaleise Gabica

The next app is Color Switch. Color Switch is a game where the player taps the screen to move a colored ball through the same colored line. During the game, you can collect stars which gives you points so the player can buy new objects to play as. These objects can be circles, squares, faces, etc.

“This is the next Flappy Bird,” said Chance Barton.

Another app that needs to be heard about is the Star Wars app. This app gives Star Wars fans the latest news and has many other things one can do. There is a soundboard that has famous quotes from the “Star Wars” saga. One can also save gifs and emojis of nothing but “Star Wars”.

The last app is Rolling Sky. In this game the player must move a ball through a series of obstacles, however the player also must collect all 20 gems within the puzzle. The game gives you 10 balls once you use them all you have to wait two minutes until all of the balls will be able to be used again.

“This game is fun but I also want to delete the game due to serious rage from dying,” said Micah.

Rolling Sky only has five levels as of now but that may change with updates.